101st Airborne Division

....."If everyone is thinking alike,
..........then somebody isnt thinking."

....................................... ......General George S. Patton

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502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment Patch

(above picture)
502nd PIR Patch

101st Airborne WW II
Medal of Honor Recipients

  Lt Col Robert G Cole

Pfc Joe E. Mann

hat patch

502nd PIR WW II
Distinguished Service Cross(DSC) Recipients

Lt Col Patrick F Cassidy
Lt Col Steve A Chappius
Pfc William Conklin
1/Lt George H Craft
Capt Fred O Drennan
1/Lt George M Eberle
Pfc William Evans
Pfc Frank P Garofano
1/Lt Ernest O Harris
Sgt Bailey Harrison
Pfc Fred S Jones Jr
Capt Frank L Lillyman
Pfc Floyd P Marquart
1/Sgt Hubert Odom
1/Lt Robert C Pick
Capt St Julien Rosemond
T/4 Jack Rudd
1/Sgt Kenneth N Sprecher
Lt Col John P Stopka
2/Lt Harrison C Summers


Band of Brothers (NL)

Field of Honor (Database)

HonorStates.org (Database)

The 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion - Trooper Pictures

Company A
Pvt Walter F Apsega - Company A

Pvt Walter F Apsega
502nd PIR Co A
KIA 6 June 1944

Pvt Myron L Auten - Company A (Courtesy: Gary E Banas)

Pvt Myron L Auten
502nd PIR Co A
KIA 24 June 1944

Pfc Joseph G Bachulak - Company A

Pfc Joseph G Bachulak
502nd PIR Co A
KIA 6 June 1944

Pvt John C Ballard Jr - Company A Bronze star Recipient

Pvt John C Ballard Jr
502nd PIR Co A
KIA 4 Jan 1945 (BS)

Cpl Roy Bogan - Company A (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Cpl Roy Bogan
502nd PIR Co A
KIA 12 June 1944

Pfc Everett A Brown - Silver Star  Recipient - (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc Everett A Brown
502nd PIR Co A
Silver Star Recipient

Pfc Donald E Carey - Company A (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc Donald E Carey
502nd PIR Co A
DOW 10 June 1944

Sgt John Cassoon

Sgt John Cassoon
502nd PIR Co A
1st Battalion

Pfc Amandio [Manny] Correia - Bronze Star & Purple Heart Recipient - (Courtesy: Laura Shea)

Pfc Amandio Correia
502nd PIR Co A
Bronze Star Recipient

Pfc Kenneth L Creager - Company A - Bronze Star Recipient

Pfc Kenneth L Creager
502nd PIR Co A
KIA 24 June 1944 (BS)

Pvt Norwood H Hutton - POW - Stalag 7A Moosburg Bavaria 48-12 (Work Camps 3324-46 Krumbachstrasse 48011, Work Camp 3368 Munich 48-11)

Pvt Norwood H Hutton
502nd PIR Co A
POW - Stalag 7A

Pvt James William [Bill] Jones - Birmingham AL - (Courtesy of his son Davey Jones)

Pvt James W "Bill" Jones
502nd PIR Co A
1st Battalion

Pfc Thomas [Tom] James Keenan - Bronze Star Recipient (Courtesy of his nephew Robert A Keenan)

Pfc Thomas J Keenan
502nd PIR Co A
Bronze Star Recipient

Pvt John D Kleinfelder - Company A -BS(OLC)

Pvt John D Kleinfelder
502nd PIR Co A
KIA 31 Dec 1944 BS(OLC)

Pvt Eugene O Lambert - Company A

Pvt Eugene O Lambert
502nd PIR Co A
KIA 6 June 1944

Pfc Wesley F Lawrence - (Courtesy B Jeffries)

Pfc Wesley F Lawrence
502nd PIR Co A
1st Battalion

Pfc Donald J Lenz - Company A

Pfc Donald J Lenz
502nd PIR Co A
KIA 13 Jan 1945

Cpl John James McGahan - (Courtesy of his grandson Kurt)

Cpl John J McGahan
502nd PIR Co A
3rd Platoon

S/Sgt Louis P Merlano  Bronze Star Recipient - (Courtesy B Jeffries)

S/Sgt Louis P Merlano
502nd PIR Co A
Bronze Star Recipient

Capt Wallace A Swanson - Silver Star Recipient A Company Commanding Officer

Capt Wallace A Swanson
502nd PIR Co A
Commanding Officer (SS)

Capt Richard L Davidson - Company A (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Capt Richard L Davidson
502nd PIR Co A
KIA 09 June 1944

Company B
Pfc Amos Almeida - Company B - (Courtesy of his son Albert Almeida)

Pfc Amos Almeida
502nd PIR Co B
1st Battalion

Pfc Edmund P Ambrose - Company B (Source:B Jeffries)

Pfc Edmund P Ambrose
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 22 Oct 1944

T/5 Rinaldo Angelini - Company B - Bronze Star Recipient PH(OLC) (Source: B Jeffries)

T/5 Rinaldo Angelini
502nd PIR Co B
Bronze Star Recipient

Pfc Orlando (Lanie) Antenori - Company B - (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc Orlando Antenori
502nd PIR Co B
1st Battalion

T/5 Henry F Bilodeau - Company B (Source: Erwin Derhaag)

T/5 Henry F Bilodeau
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 22 Sept 1944

Pvt Clarence E Black Jr - Company B (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Clarence E Black Jr
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 11 June 1944

Pfc Leo P Boivin - Company B - PH (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc Leo P Boivin
502nd PIR Co B
1st Battalion

Pvt Archie P Botzis - Company B

Pvt Archie P Botzis
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 12 June 1944

Pfc Charles G Burkhardt - Company B -  (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc Charles G Burkhardt
502nd PIR Co B
1st Battalion

Pfc Floyd D Cheatham Jr - Company B -

Pfc Floyd D Cheatham Jr
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 13 Jan 1945

Pfc Lester R Cook - Company B - Bronze Star Recipient (Source:Michael Buchanan)

Pfc Lester R Cook
502nd PIR Co B
Bronze Star Recipient

Pfc Lloyd A Corder - Company B - PH(OLC)

Pfc Lloyd A Corder
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 13 Jan 1945

Sgt John C Caine - Company B - (Source: B Jeffries)

Sgt John C Craine
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 21 Sept 1944

Pvt Jack L Crouse - Company B 2nd Platoon - (Courtesy: Paul Adamic)

Pvt Jack L Crouse
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 7 June 1944

Pvt George H Emberlin - Company B (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt George H Emberlin
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 5 Jan 1945

1/Sgt Robert G Gehrett - Company B - (Courtesy: Dominique Potier)

1/Sgt Robert G Gehrett
502nd PIR Co B
1st Battalion

Pvt Calvin Coolidge Gist - Company B

Pvt Calvin C Gist
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 6 June 1944

Pvt Lloyd A Gore - Company B (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Lloyd A Gore
502nd PIR Co B
DOW 25 Dec 44

Pfc Dean W Gray Jr - Company B

Pfc Dean W Gray Jr
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 13 Jan 1945

Pfc William Jacob Heather - Company B (Source:Josh Leasure)

Pfc William J Heather
502nd PIR Co B
DOW 3 Oct 1944

Pvt Robert W Hickson - Company B - (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Robert W Hickson
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 10 June 1944

Pfc Orin Fenno Keyes Jr - Company B -

Pfc Orin F Keyes Jr
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 21 Sept 1944

Pvt Delmer D Linaburg - Company B -

Pvt Delmer D Linaburg
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 6 June 1944

Cpl Milton S Lowry Jr - Company B - (Courtesy: Paul Adamic)

Cpl Milton S Lowry Jr
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 31 Dec 1944

Pfc Thomas J Milewski - Company B (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Thomas J Milewski
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 11 June 1944

Sgt Cecil F Miller - Company B - Squad Leader

Sgt Cecil F Miller
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 21 Sept 1944

Pvt J T Morris - Skeeters - Company B (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt J T Morris
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 07 June 1944

Sgt Bert Riggs - Company B

Sgt Bert Riggs
502nd PIR Co B
1st Battalion

Sgt Forrest J Nichols - Company B

Sgt Forrest J Nichols
502nd PIR Co B
1st Battalion

Pvt Jack W Runkel - Company B

Pvt Jack W Runkel
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 06 June 1944

Pvt Ivie A Ward Jr - Company B -

Pvt Ivie A Ward Jr
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 18 Sept 1944

Pvt Edward J Weeks - Company B Silver Star Recipient (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Edward J Weeks
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 06 June 1944 (SS)

Pvt Redmond D Wells Jr - Company B - PH(OLC) (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Redmond D Wells Jr
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 22 Sept 1944

Pfc Ralph J Zerbe  - Company B -

Pfc Ralph J Zerbe
502nd PIR Co B
DOW 23 Sept 1944

2/Lt James M Allen - Company B

2/Lt James M Allen
502nd PIR
Company B

2/Lt Allen C Barham - Company B 2nd Platoon Leader - (Courtesy: Paul Adamic)

2/Lt Allen C Barham
502nd PIR Co B
2nd Platoon Leader

1/Lt Rodney Bliss Adams - Company B (Source: B Jeffries)

1/Lt Rodney B Adams
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 19 Sept 44

2/Lt John H Boh Company B (Source: B Jeffries)

2/Lt John H Boh
502nd PIR Co B
1st Battalion

1/Lt Samuel Carp Company B (Source: B Jeffries)

1/Lt Samuel Carp
502nd PIR Co B
1st Battalion

1/Lt Elmer F Brandenberger - PH - Company B (Source: B Jeffries)

1/Lt Elmer F Brandenberger
502nd PIR Co B
1st Battalion

1/Lt Elmer G Brining Company B (Source: B Jeffries)

1/Lt Elmer G Brining
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 20 Sept 44

1/Lt Homer J Combs Company B

1/Lt Homer J Combs
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 11 June 44 (SS)

1/Lt James F Toy III Company B (Source: B Jeffries)

1/Lt James F Toy III
502nd PIR Co B
KIA 4 Jan 45

22/Lt Harrison [Bud] C Summers (DSC/PH(OLC) Company B (Source: B Jeffries)

2/Lt Harrison C Summers
502nd PIR Co B
Distinguished Service Cross

Capt Cleveland R Fitzgerald - Commanding Officer Company B/ XO HQ1 Bronze Star Recipient

Maj Cleveland R Fitzgerald
502nd PIR Co B
KODY 8 Oct 45 (CO)

Company C
Pfc Woodrow W Atchinson - Company C PH(OLC) (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Woodrow W Atchinson
502nd PIR Co C
DOW 1 Jan 45

Cpl David J Bird - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Cpl David J Bird
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

SSgt Willis O Bird - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

S/Sgt Willis O Bird
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

1/Sgt Layton Black Jr - Company C

1/Sgt Layton Black Jr
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Cpl George W Blackburn - 502nd Co C Silver Star Recipient (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Cpl George W Blackburn
502nd PIR Co C
Silver Star Recipient

Sgt Duane E Brown - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Sgt Duane E Brown
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Cpl Robert H Cahoon - 502nd Co C  Bronze Star Recipient(Courtesy of his daughter: Judy Egan)

Cpl Robert H Cahoon
502nd PIR Co C
Bronze Star Recipient

1/Sgt Thomas E Casagrande - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

1/Sgt Thomas Casagrande
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Sgt James A Colon - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Sgt James A Colon
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 22 Sept 1944

Pvt William A Cooper - Company C Bronze Star Recipient (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt William A Cooper
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 06 June 1944 (BS)

Pfc Norman A Cournoyer - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Norman A Cournoyer
502nd PIR Co C
DOW 08 June 1944

Sgt Willie F Craig - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Sgt Willie F Craig
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 11 June 1944

Cpl George C Dagres - Company C Pathfinder (Source: B Jeffries)

Cpl George C Dagres
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 31 Dec 1944 (PF)

Pfc Harry T Dandorf - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Harry T Dandorf
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 11 June 1944

Cpl John L Davis - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Cpl John L Davis
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 11 June 1944

Sgt Curtis L DeWitt - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Sgt Curtis L DeWitt
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pvt Wayne C Dickerson - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pvt Wayne C Dickerson
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pfc Gray E Edwards - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc Gray E Edwards
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Sgt Jack L Evans - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Sgt Jack L Evans
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pfc Frank Facenda - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: Ray Anhorn)

Pfc Frank Facenda
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Sgt Clyde E Featherston - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Sgt Clyde E Featherston
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 21 Sept 1944

Pfc James W Flanagan - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc James W Flanagan
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Sgt Gerald J Flood - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Sgt Gerald J Flood
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

S/Sgt Vincent J Foley - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

S/Sgt Vincent J Foley
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pvt Edward Lighter Fulmer - Company C (Source: Ron Moss AMVETS)

Pvt Edward L Fulmer
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 24 June 1944

Pfc Edwin E Funk - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Edwin E Funk
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 06 June 1944

Pfc Clifford F Gorton - 502nd Co C -D-Day Pathfinder Stick 2(Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc Clifford F Gorton
502nd PIR Co C
D-Day Pathfinder

Pfc William F Haddick - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc William F Haddick
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pfc Frank L Hare - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc Frank L Hare
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pfc John E Harrigal - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc John E Harrigal
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Sgt Howard W Hartman - 502nd Co C - BS/PH(OLC) (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Sgt Howard W Hartman
502nd PIR Co C
Bronze Star Recipient

Cpl George A Hash - POW - Stalag 3C

Cpl George A Hash
502nd PIR Co C
POW - Stalag 3C

Sgt Harold D Headley - Company C

Sgt Harold D Headley
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pfc Ralph J Hendricks - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc Ralph J Hendricks
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pvt Richard C Hicks Jr - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Richard C Hicks Jr
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 03 Jan 1945

Pvt Charles A Hickson - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Charles A Hickson
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 06 June 1944

Sgt Dennis A Howard - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Sgt Dennis A Howard
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Sgt Richard F Johnson - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Sgt Richard F Johnson
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pvt William  T Kelley - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pvt William T Kelley
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pfc John A Kern Jr - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc John A Kern Jr
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 20 Sept 1944

Pvt Frank T Kessler Jr - Company C Silver Star Recipient (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Frank T Kessler Jr
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 19 Sept 1944 (SS)

Pvt Junior E Leafty - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Junior E Leafty
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 25 Oct 1944

Pfc John A Leviski - Company C - Silver Star Recipient (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc John A Leviski
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 21 June 1944 (SS)

Sgt George P Lomonaco - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Sgt George P Lomonaco
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pfc Anthony F Marcozzi - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Anthony F Marcozzi
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 11 June 1944

Pfc Floyd P Marquart - Company C Medical Corpsman - Awarded Distinguished Service Cross - Silver Star and the Purple Heart with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters

Pfc Floyd P Marquart
502nd PIR Co C (DSC/SS)
KIA 13 Jan 1945

Pfc Leopold Martin - Company C

Pfc Leopold Martin
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Sgt William J McClimate Jr - Company C

Sgt William J McClimate Jr
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 25 Sept 1944

Sgt Ervin E Metz - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Sgt Ervin E Metz
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pvt Reo K Niles - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Reo K Niles
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 05 Jan 1945

Sgt Junior I Nutter - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Sgt Junior I Nutter
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pvt John J O'Brien Jr - Company C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pvt John J O'Brien Jr
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 19 Sept 1944

Pvt Bernard L Ormsbee - 502nd Co C -D-Day Pathfinder Stick 2(Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pvt Bernard L Ormsbee
502nd PIR Co C
D-Day Pathfinder

Sgt Klaty A Pyle - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Sgt Klaty A Pyle
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 24 Sept 1944

Pvt Raymond A Raszewski - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pvt Raymond Raszewski
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pfc Francis A Rocca - 502nd Co C D-Day Pathfinder(Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc Francis A Rocca
502nd PIR Co C
Pathfinder/Stick 1

Pvt Philip A Sangenario - D-Day Pathfinder - Plane 1 Security Team  (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Philip A Sangenario
502nd PIR Co C
D-Day Pathfinder

S/Sgt Philip Shofner - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

S/Sgt Philip Shofner
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pfc James J Slaysman - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc James J Slaysman
502nd PIR Co C
DODY 2 Nov 1944

Pfc Robert Z Snead Jr - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Robert Z Snead Jr
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 06 June 1944

Sgt Donald C Tedford - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Sgt Donald C Tedford
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 06 June 1944

Sgt Guy A Torchetti - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Sgt Guy A Torchetti
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 24 June 1944

Cpl John E Whitlock - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Cpl John E Whitlock
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 11 June 1944

S/Sgt George A Wolfe - 502nd Co C (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

S/Sgt George A Wolfe
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pfc Willie A Wright - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Willie A Wright
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 06 June 1944

1/Lt Bernard G Bucior - Company C

1/Lt Bernard G Bucior
502nd PIR Co C
MIA 7 June 44

1/Lt Porter C Little - Company B/C (Source: B Jeffries)

1/Lt Porter C Little
502nd PIR Co B/C
KIA 25 Dec 44

1/Lt Michael J Herbeiger - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

1/Lt Michael J Herbeiger
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

2/Lt Thomas J Hudson - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

2/Lt Thomas J Hudson
502nd PIR Co C
1st Battalion

2/Lt Robert W Lake - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

2/Lt Robert W Lake
502nd PIR Co C
KIA 23 Sept 1944

2/Lt George W Manhardt - Company C (Source: B Jeffries)

2/Lt George W Manhardt
502nd PIR Co B/C
KIA 31 Dec 44

Captain Fred A Hancock - Company C Commanding Officer - Silver Star Recipient

Captain Fred A Hancock
502nd PIR Co C (SS)
Commanding Officer

Captain Morton J Smith -  Silver/Bronze Stars Recipient (Source: B Jeffries)

Captain Morton J Smith
502nd PIR Co C
Silver/Bronze Stars

Captain Thomas F Cahill Jr - Company C Commanding Officer - Silver Star Recipient (Source: B Jeffries)

Captain Thomas F Cahill Jr
502nd PIR Co C (SS)
Commanding Officer

Headquarters Company 1st Battalion (HQ 1)
Pvt Abraham Axelrod

Pvt Abraham Axelrod
502nd PIR Hq 1/B
KIA 11 June 1944

Cpl James V Dalto (Source: B Jeffries)

Cpl James V Dalto
502nd PIR Hq 1
KIA 06 June 1944

T/Sgt Robert L DePinquertaine - Company Hq 1 - Silver and Bronze Star Recipient (Courtesy of his son - Robert DePinquertaine Jr )

Sgt Robert DePinquertaine
502nd PIR Hq 1
Silver Star Recipient

Pvt Anthony Foglia (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Anthony Foglia
502nd PIR Hq 1/B
KIA 11 June 1944

S/Sgt Howard T Huntington (Source: John New)

S/Sgt Howard Huntington
502nd PIR Hq 1
KIA 20 Sept 1944

Pfc Allan L Johnson (Source: Keith Boettcher)

Pfc Allan L Johnson
502nd PIR Hq 1
KIA 11 June 1944

Pfc Charles C Johnson (Source: John New)

Pfc Charles C Johnson
502nd PIR Hq 1
KIA 20 Sept 1944

Pfc Robert A Lantow

Pfc Robert A Lantow
502nd PIR Hq 1
KIA 13 June 1944

Pfc Jay E Lehman

Pfc Jay E Lehman
502nd PIR Hq 1
KIA 20 Sept 1944

Pfc Talmage W New - Company Hq 1 (Source: John New)

Pfc Talmage W New
502nd PIR Hq 1
1st Battalion

Cpl Leo Pichler - Company Hq 1 Bronze Star Recipient

Cpl Leo E Pichler
502nd PIR Hq 1
KIA 13 Jan 1945 (BS)

Pfc Elmer Ernest Shaffer (Source: Ralph Peeters)

Pfc Elmer E Shaffer
502nd PIR Hq 1
KIA 17 Jan 1945

Pfc Wilfred H Taylor

Pfc Wilfred H Taylor
502nd PIR Hq 1
DOW 25 Dec 1944

Pfc Baxter M Teal

Pfc Baxter M Teal
502nd PIR Hq 1
DOW 19 Feb 1945

S/Sgt Lou Zotti - Company Hq 1 Courtesy: Ray Anhorn)

S/Sgt Lou Zotti
502nd PIR Hq 1
1st Battalion

Maj John D Hanlon - Company Hq 1 - Silver Star Recipient (Source: John New)

Maj John D Hanlon
502nd PIR Hq 1
Silver Star Recipient

Lt Col Patrick F Cassidy Commanding Officer 1st Battalion - DSC Recipient

Lt Col Patrick F Cassidy
502nd PIR (DSC)
1st Btn CO

 >> 2nd Btn  >>

R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Ambrose, Stephen E D-DAY June 6,1944: The Climatic Battle of WW II. 6/93, Simon & Shuster ISBN: 0671673343
Ambrose, Stephen E Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest. Simon & Schuster, (June 2001) 336 p. ISBN: 0-743-21638-5
Ambrose, Stephen E Citizen Soldiers: The U.S. Army from the Normandy Beaches to the Bulge to the Surrender of Germany, June 7, 1944-May 7, 1945. Simon & Schuster, (Nov 1997) 528 p. ISBN: 0-684-81525-7
Badsey, Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Bando, Mark A  Avenging Eagles: Forbidden tales of the 101st Airborne in World War 2. Bando Publishing, (2006) 183 p. ISBN: 0977911705
Bando, Mark A  101st Airborne: The Screaming Eagles at Normandy. Zenith Press, (Apr 2001) 156 p. ISBN: 0760308551
Bando, Mark A  Vanguard of the Crusade: The US 101st Airborne Division in WW II. The Aberjona Press, (June 2003) 320 p. ISBN: 0971765006
Black, Wallace B.& Blashfield, Jean F. Battle of the Bulge (World War II 50th Anniversary Series). Crestwood House, 48 pp May,1993 ISBN: 0896865681
Bowen, Robert Fighting With the Screaming Eagles: With the 101st Airborne from Normandy to Bastogne. Greenhill Books/Lionel Leventhal, (Sept 2001) 256 p. ISBN: 1853674656
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, (1989) 621 p.
ISBN: 0-312-03350-8

Breuer, William B Unexplained Mysteries of World War II. John Wiley & Sons, Sept 1998 256 p. ISBN:0471291072
Brooks, Kevin & Rich Donald J Glider Infantryman: Behind Enemy Lines in World War II (Williams-Ford Texas A&M University Military History Series). TAMU Press, Nov 22, 2011, 320 p. ISBN:1603444246
Burgett, Donald R Currahee!. Presidio Press, (Sept 1999) 256 p. ISBN: 0-891-41681-1
Butler, Rupert  SS: Leibstandarte: The History of the First SS Division 1933-45 (Waffen SS Divisional Histories) Amber Books, 192 p. ISBN:1782742492
Butler, Rupert  SS: Wiking: The History of the Fifth SS Division 1941-45 (Waffen SS Divisional Histories) Amber Books, 192 p. ISBN:1782742484
Butler, Rupert  SS: Hitlerjugend: The History of the Twelfth SS Division 1943-45 (Waffen SS Divisional Histories) Amber Books, 192 p. ISBN:1782742476
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
De Trez, Michel  American Paratrooper Helmets: Mediterranean & European Theater of Operations  June, 2010, Histoire & Collections, 272 p. ISBN: 2352501415
De Trez, Michel  American Warriors: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers Prior to Normandy  July, 1998, D-Day Pub, 212 p. ISBN: 2960017609
De Trez, Michel  Cpl Forrest Guth: E Company 506 PIR 101st Airborne Division (WW II American Paratroopers Portrait Series)  March, 2002, D-Day Pub, 56 p. ISBN: 296001765X
De Trez, Michel  Orange is the Color of the Day: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Holland April, 2004, D-Day Pub, 506 p. ISBN: 2960017633
De Trez, Michel  At the Point of No Return : Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Normandy 7/98, D-Day Pub, 200 p. ISBN: 2960017617
Devlin, Gerard S  Paratrooper! St Martin's Press, (P) c1976 ISBN: 0312596529
Gardner, Ira & Roger Day Tonight We Die As Men: The untold story of Third Battalion 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment from Toccoa to D-Day. Osprey Press, (April 21, 2009) 344 p. ISBN: 1846033225
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Golden, Lewis Echoes From Arnhem Penguin ISBN: 0718305213
Killblane, Richard  Mc Niece, Jake The Filthy Thirteen: From the Dustbowl to Hitler's Eagles Nest: The 101st Airborne's Most Legendary Squad of Combat Paratroopers Casemate Publishers and Book Distributors, 288 pp May 1, 2003 ISBN: 1932033122
Koskimaki, George E D-Day With The Screaming Eagles Casemate Publishers and Book Distributors, 356 pp September 11, 2002 ISBN: 1932033025
Koskimaki, George E Hell's Highway: Chronicle of the 101st Airborne Division in Holland, September-November 1944 Casemate Publishers and Book Distributors, 453 pp March 1, 2003 ISBN: 193203305X
Koskimaki, George E The Battered Bastards of Bastogne: A Chronicle of the Defense of Bastogne, December 19, 1944 - January 17, 1945 Casemate Publishers and Book Distributors, 484 pp December 1, 2002 ISBN: 1932033068
La Sala, Jenny  Comes a Soldier's Whisper: A Collection of Wartime Letters with Reflection and Hope for the Future Trafford (P), 256 pp. February 15, 2013 ISBN: 1466976861
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
Malarkey, Don & Bob Welch Easy Company Soldier: The Legendary Battles of a Sergeant from WW II's "Band of Brothers" . St Martin's Press, (May 13, 2008) 288 p. ISBN: 0312378491
McKenzie, John  On Time, On Target Novato, CA: Presidio, May 15,2000. 304 p. ISBN: 089 141 714 1
McLaughlin, Jerome J D-Day+60 years Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse, April 20,2004. 300 p. ISBN: 1418402699
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
Stokes Jr, G G  Camp Toccoa: First Home of the Airborne.: 1942-1944 CreateSpace, 3/14/2011. 28p. ISBN: 1461005868

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