
"Courage is the first of all human qualities because
""""it is the quality that guarantees all the others. "

................................................... ...Sir Winston Churchill
Units Roll of Honor
    517th PIR
    509th PIB
    550th AB
    551st PIB
    602nd GFAB
    596th AEC
    887th AEC
    512th Sig Co
    334th QM Co
  Division History
    1st ABTF
    11th Abn Div
    13th Abn Div
    17th Abn Div
    82nd Abn Div
    101st Abn Div
    Bulge Memories
    Groesbeek Liberation
   Museum 1944
    WW II Airborne    Demonstration Team
    Co A 504th PIR
    Tank Destroyer.Net
    WW2 Militaria
    551 PIB Honor Roll
  82nd Airborne Assoc
  325th GIR Assoc
  504th PIR Assoc
  508th PIR Assoc
  Other Airborne Assoc

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Distinguished Service Cross(DSC) Recipients
S/Sgt J G Eisensohn Jr
1/Lt Richard W Durkee
Cpl Robert H Hill
Pfc Brian C Hubble
Pfc Milo C Huempfner

Silver Star Recipients
Pvt James T Cleary
1/Lt Richard W Durkee
S/Sgt J G Eisensohn Jr
Pfc Frank Gould
Col Rupert D Graves
2/Lt Richard R Hallock
1/Lt Keith R Harsh
Maj William N Holm
S/Sgt Irving M Jacobs
Cpl Robert E Kabat
Sgt Mearlen G La Mar
S/Sgt Raymond E Little
Capt A A McPheeters Jr
T/5 Wesley A Richard
Sgt Blas T Valdon
S/Sgt E W Van Horssen
Lt Col Wood G Joerg

551st Parachute Infantry Battalion
Roll of Honor

 LastName FirstName MI Tle Rank Unit Location Date    Status Cemetery

Anderson Donald R Pfc Co A Belgium 1/3/45 Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/PA
Anderson Robert E Sgt Co A Belgium 1/3/45 PH (OLC) H-C
Baldwin Donald H Cpl Med Belgium 2/9/45 DOW/505th USA/IN
Banks Ray Cpl Co C Belgium 1/3/45 USA/OK
Banks Wilbur M S/Sgt Co A Belgium 1/3/45 Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW H-C
Beauchaine Arthur E Sgt Serv Belgium 1/45 USA/NH
Bejma Frank J Pfc Hq Belgium 1/8/45 DOW H-C
Billman Lewis R T/5 Co B So France 8/21/44 RHO
Black Sydney R Pfc Co A Belgium 1/45
Booth Donald A 1/Lt Hq Belgium 1/7/45 Photo on Trooper Pictures   USA/CA
Brooks Jake E Pvt Co C 6/24/44 Tsfr/USAF USA/MO
Brookshire Andrew H Pfc Co C Belgium 1/7/45 USA/NC
Brown Willie F Pvt Co B Belgium
Butenhoff Marvin M T/Sgt SvcCo Belgium
Callahan Bernard F Sgt Hq Belgium 1/3/45
Callaway Paul T/4 Co C Belgium 1/6/45 USA/GA
Campbell Buford R Pvt Hq Belgium 1/3/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures H-C
Campbell John F Pvt Co C So France 11/4/44
Carroll James J Pfc Co A Belgium Tsfr/505th USA/NY
Chappell John F Jr Pfc Co C So France 11/4/44 BS RHO
Chavez Juan R Pfc Co A Belgium MIA
Cheatham Robert R Cpl Co B Germany 4/8/45 Tsfr/504th ARD
Christensen Harold Cpl Co C Belgium 1/7/45 USA/IL
Clark John L Pvt Co A Belgium Tsfr/504th USA/TN
Cleary James T Pvt Hq Belgium 1/7/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures SS USA/MA
Coley Theodore R Pvt Co B Normandy 6/6/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures Tsfr/505th USA/GA
Collins John I Cpl Co A Belgium 1/3/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/AL
Conley Dale E Pfc Hq Co Belgium Tsfr/508th
Couch Kimber Pvt Co C Belgium 1/3/45 USA/KY
Dahl Charles E 1/Lt Co A Belgium 1/7/45 USA/ND
Davis Lorenzo J Pvt Hq Belgium 1/29/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures Tsfr/504th H-C
Deming James W T/5 Co B So France 8/21/44 RHO
Dennis William E Pfc Co B So France 8/21/44 USA/IN
Edgerly Joseph A Pfc Co B So France 11/4/44 RHO
Ellis Jennings B Co B So France
Ellis Perry I Sgt Hq Co So France 9/10/44 DOW S-R
Farren Joseph A 1/Lt Hq Co Belgium 1/7/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ARD
Ferguson Shelley C Pfc Co C MacKall 2/16/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures KODY USA/AL
Fields Warren B Pvt Co B So France 8/21/44 RHO
Fletcher Andrew H Sr Pvt Co C Belgium 1/7/45 USA/WV
Frazier Sybol L Pfc Co A Panama 9/28/43 Panama
Friend Ernest V Pvt Co A Belgium 1/7/45 USA/MT
Funk Jack D Pvt Co B So France 8/15/44 USA/VA
Gates William H Pvt Hq Co So France 8/20/44 RHO
Gibson Ladd M Pfc Co A Belgium 12/21/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW LOR
Gould Frank E Pfc Co B Germany 4/7/45 SS/Tsfr504 MAR
Harris Joseph Pvt Hq So France
Heneghan Martin A Pvt Co A Belgium 1/3/45 USA/IL
Hill Robert H Cpl Co A Belgium 1/7/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DSC H-C
Hoffman John F T/5 Srvc MacKall 2/16/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures KODY USA/NE
Hord Oliver A 1/Lt Co C So France
Hornacky Nicholas Pvt Co C So France
Hughes Felix J Pvt Co A So France 10/8/44 USA/NY
Hundley Kenneth G Cpl Co A Belgium Tsfr/508th
Intinarelli Carlo A Cpl Co B Belgium 12/24/44 USA/MA
Jensen George W Pfc So France 10/2/44 DOW RHO
Joerg Wood G Lt Col CO Belgium 1/7/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures SS USA/AL
Kicinski Stephen S/Sgt Co A Germany 5/8/45 Tsfr/505th USA/NY
Kuliffay Harold R Pvt Co B Belgium 1/3/45 Tsfr/505th ARD
Kurtz Elmer J Pfc Co A Belgium 1/3/45 DOW USA/PA
Kurtz Lester E 2/Lt Co B Belgium 12/27/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures PH(OLC) H-C
Lawson William C Pfc Hq Co So France 8/20/44 USA/KS
Looney Jack Pvt Co A Belgium
Lucas Thomas B Pvt Co C Belgium 1/3/45 H-C
Luening George H 1/Lt Co A Belgium 1/3/45 USA/MT
Martin Harry S Sgt Co C Belgium 1/3/45 DOW USA/WV
Mc Atee John F Pvt Co A Belgium 1/7/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  H-C
Mc Bee William Pfc Co A Belgium 1/7/45 USA/AR
Mc Grotty Kenneth D Pfc Srvc MacKall 2/16/44  KODY/NC USA/OR
Mc Pheeters Archibald Capt Co B Belgium 1/3/45 Tsfr/505th USA/PA
Moore Roger W Pfc Co A Belgium 1/3/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  H-C
Morrison Wendell E T/5 Hq So France 8/14/44 Pathfinder
Mowery Robert R Pvt Co A Belgium 1/7/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  H-C
Murphy Gerald L Pvt Co C England 12/12/44 Tsfr/194th CAM
Myers Doris S Pfc Co A Belgium 1/8/45 DOW USA/MS
Nottingham Glen E Pvt Co A Belgium 1/9/45 DOW USA/CA
O'Dell John B Cpl Co A Belgium
O'Doherty Robert B Pfc Co C Belgium 1/8/45 DOW/PH(OLC) H-C
Opitz John T/5 Srvc Belgium 2/2/45 Tsfr/504th USA/MN
Parks Leon W Pvt Co B So France 8/21/44 RHO
Parsons Cleo Pfc Co B Belgium
Patterson Lester L Pvt Hq So France
Peabody Rushton D 1/Lt Co A So France 10/1/44 RHO
Pearson Benjamin C Cpl Hq Belgium
Petty Ishmael H Pvt Co C MacKall 2/16/44  KODY/NC USA/WV
Piedescalzo S J Pfc Co A Belgium 1/3/45 USA/CT
Ploof Maurice P Pvt Hq Belgium 1/7/45 H-C
Ponder John L Pvt Co B Normandy 6/6/44  Tfr/507th USA/AR
Preziotti Benjamin P Sgt Co B MacKall 2/16/44  KODY/NC USA/NY
Ramsey Zolie Pvt Co C MacKall 2/16/44  KODY/NC USA/TN
Reed Norval L Pfc Co C MacKall 2/16/44  KODY/NC USA/WV
Reynolds William E Pvt Co C Belgium 12/10/44 Tsfr/317th LOR
Rolland Jack F T/5 Co A Belgium 2/9/45 Photo on Trooper Pictures Tfr/508th H-C
Rover Roy A Pvt Co B Belgium 12/27/44 USA/WI
Rowe Joseph G Pvt Co C So France 11/4/44 USA/MD
Ryan Francis A Pfc Med 4/6/45 Tfr/505th USA/MA
Ryan John B 2/Lt Co B Belgium 1/7/45 DOW USA/GA
Sepulveda Ramon M Pvt Co B So France 8/21/44 RHO
Shoup John W Sgt Co A So France
Simson Jack C Cpl Co A Belgium 1/7/45 H-C
Sindler Harold C S/Sgt Co A Belgium 1/7/45 H-C
Sizemore Gerna W Pvt Co A Belgium 1/7/45 USA/VA
Smith David W Sgt Co B So France 9/23/44 DOI USA/AL
Smith Mahlon F Pfc Hq So France USA/PA
Spera Louie N Pvt Co B England 9/2/44 KODY/508th USA/CA
Stankus Lawrence C Sgt Co A Italy 7/31/44 Photo on Trooper Pictures KODY S-R
Stopa August Pfc Co C Belgium 1/7/45 USA/WI
Tatros Charles H Pvt So France 9/12/44 Tfr/460th
Tenute Louis J Pvt Co B So France 8/22/44 DOW RHO
Wafford John L Pfc MacKall 2/16/44  KODY/NC USA/OR
Ward James P Jr T/4 Hq Germany 5/4/45 USA/IL
Ward Trynca Pfc BHQ Germany 4/30/45 Photo on Trooper Pictures Tfr/505th MAR
Watson Robert H Pvt Co C Belgium 1/4/45 DOW USA/NY
Whalen William E Pvt Co C Belgium 1/3/45 Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/PA
Wilson Cloy L Pfc Co A Belgium 1/3/45 Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/AL
Williams Max G Cpl Co B So France 8/21/44 USA/NC
Williams Wilbur M Pvt Co B So France USA/GA
Worthington Justin N Ft Bragg 5/15/45 KODY
Wright Thomas W Pvt Belgium 1/3/45 USA/VA
Wright William J Pvt Co B So France 8/21/44 USA/PA
Yellowrobe Alvin J Pfc Co A So France 8/20/44 USA/MT
Ziegler Sam Pfc Co A So France 9/2/44 747/Tank EP

R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Ambrose, Stephen E D-DAY June 6,1944: The Climatic Battle of WW II. 6/93, Simon & Shuster ISBN: 0671673343
Badsey , Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, 1989 621 p. ISBN: 0-312-03350-8
Breuer, William B Operation Dragoon: The Allied Invasion of the South of France. Presidio Press, Sept 1987 261 p. ISBN: 0891413073
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
De Trez, Michel  At the Point of No Return : Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Normandy 7/98, D-Day Pub, 200 p. ISBN: 2960017617
De Trez, Michel  First Airborne Task Force: Pictorial History of the Allied Paratroopers in the Invasion of Southern France 7/98, D-Day Pub, 500 p. ISBN: 2960017625
Gassend, Jean-Loup Operation Dragoon: Autopsy of a Battle: The Allied Liberation of the French Riviera August-September 1944 Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. (May 28, 2014), 560 p. ISBN: 076434580X
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Giard, Régis & Frédéric Blais Helmets of the ETO: A Historical & Technical Guide Histoire & Collections (Jan 2008), 216 p. ISBN: 2352500621
Golden, Lewis Echoes From Arnhem Penguin ISBN: 0718305213
Hicks, Anne The Last Fighting General: The Biography of Robert Tryon Frederick Schiffer Pub Ltd, 320pp, ISBN: 0764324306
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
McKenzie, John  On Time, On Target Novato, CA: Presidio, May 15,2000. 304 p. ISBN: 089 141 714 1
Morgan, John Daniel The Left Corner of My Heart : The Saga of the 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion Alder Enterprise, 1984. 548 p.
Orafalea, Gregory  Messengers of the Lost Battalion : The Heroic 551st and the Turning of the Tide at the Battle of the Bulge Free Press, March 14,1997. 432 p. ISBN: 068 482 804 9
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
van Lunteren, Frank Blocking Kampfgruppe Peiper: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in the Battle of the Bulge Casemate, Sept 19,2015. 368 p. ISBN: 1612003133
van Lunteren, Frank The Battle of Bridges: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Operation Market Garden Casemate, June 1,2014. 336 p. ISBN: 1612002323
van Lunteren, Frank Spearhead of the Fifth Army: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Italy from the Winter Line To Anzio Casemate, Sept 16,2016. 320 p. ISBN: 161200427X
Wildman, John B All Americans 82nd Airborne. Meadowlands Militaria, 6/83 ISBN:091 208 1007
The Center of Military History The War in the Mediterranean: A WWII Pictorial History Brasseys, Inc., 465 p. ISBN:1574881302
Yardley, Doyle R  Home Was Never Like This. Yardley Enterprises, Aug, 2002, 312 p. ISBN:0971743908

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