
..... "Old soldiers never die - they just fade away."

................................. ......General Douglas Mac Arthur

Units Roll of Honor
    503rd PIR next >K-Z
    462nd PFAB
    161st PEC
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    1st ABTF
    11th Abn Div
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    82nd Abn Div
    101st Abn Div
    503rd PRCT
  82nd Airborne Assoc
  325th GIR Assoc
  504th PIR Assoc
  508th PIR Assoc
  509th PIR Assoc
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Distinguished Service Cross Recipients
S/Sgt Edward Gulsvick

Silver Star Recipients
Pvt Robert S Carpenter
S/Sgt Algernon L Chivers Jr
Pfc Ernest R Coffelt
Pfc Leo Hetman
Pvt Howard J Jandro

The 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment
Roll of Honor A - J

 LastName FirstName MI Tle Rank Unit Location Date   Status Cemetery

Alexander Clarence Pfc Hq 2 Negros 4/22/45 USA/IL
Alexander Joe R Pvt Hq 1 Corregidor 2/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW USA/OK
Ande Leroy E Pvt No Africa 11/11/42   Photo on Trooper Pictures  NAF
Anderson Donald S Pvt Co F Negros 4/10/45  DOW USA/CA
Anderson Willie L Pfc RHQ Corregidor 3/4/45 ML
Arnold James A Sgt Co D Corregidor 2/17/45  BS ML
Asay Eugene F Pfc Hq 1 Corregidor 2/26/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/WY
Atz Robert J Pfc Co A Corregidor 2/26/45 ML
Austin Nathan G Pvt Hq 1 Corregidor 2/21/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/GA
Ayers James T Pfc Co I Noemfoor 7/7/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/SC
Balliet Alfred Pfc Co A Corregidor 2/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW USA/SD
Baum Robert M Pvt Hq 2 Noemfoor 8/24/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/NJ
Baxter Fred A Pfc Co B Mindoro 1/1/45 ML
Beasley Leon O Pfc Co I Corregidor 2/16/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW ML
Beatty David J Pfc Co H Corregidor 2/19/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Bernardo Joseph A Pvt England 11/3/42 DODY USA/MA
Biersteker Robert J Pfc Co C Corregidor 2/26/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/MN
Billiski Franklin Pfc Hq 3 Corregidor 2/19/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/NY
Birkenkamp Robert I Pvt Co C Negros 5/22/45
Blalock Henry J Pfc Co I Gordonvale 12/23/42   Photo on Trooper Pictures KODY USA/NC
Blomfield Fred J Sgt Co G Negros 5/23/45 USA/OR
Blum Donald N T/Sgt Co B Mindoro 1/4/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/MO
Bobrow Harold Pfc Hq 2 Negros 4/09/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/CA
Bokenkamp Freeman H Cpl Co D Negros 4/21/45 USA/TX
Bonfield Russell M Pvt New Guinea 9/26/43 HN
Bowersock Lowell L T/Sgt Hq 3 Negros 4/27/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/OH
Boyle John J T/Sgt Co C Corregidor 2/26/45 USA/PA
Bracklein William C Pvt Co D Corregidor 2/19/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Brady William G Pvt Co D Corregidor 2/21/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Bragg John R Pfc Co G Pt. Moresby 10/19/43  Photo on Trooper Pictures  HN
Bright Ralph J Pfc Co F Negros 4/22/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW ML
Brookins Ira L Pvt Co E Tunisia 11/8/42  Photo on Trooper Pictures  NAF
Brooks Virgil D Pfc Corregidor 4/26/45 ML
Brown William Cpl Co A Noemfoor 7/6/44 ML
Brown William A Pfc Co E Corregidor 2/23/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW ML
Brownfield Paul E Cpl Co C Nadzab 9/5/43 USA/OH
Buchanan Herman D Pfc Hq 2 Negros 5/2/45 ML
Buckelin Walter F Pvt Co C Noemfoor 5/7/43
Bunney Raymond Pfc Co B Corregidor 2/26/45 USA/WY
Butch John W Sgt Co E Negros 4/28/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Calderon Jose L Pfc Co F Negros 5/3/45 ML
Carpenter Robert S Pvt Co G New Guinea 9/15/43 SS ML
Case Maxwell Jr Cpl Hq 1 Corregidor 2/26/45 DOW ML
Chapman Ray L Pvt Co D Negros 7/14/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/IL
Cirko Peter Sgt Co D Negros 4/21/45 BS ML
Clum Paul S Pvt Co C Negros 5/11/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/CA
Coder Bert J Cpl Co G Nadzab 9/6/43 ML
Coffee John T Pvt Co G Noemfoor 7/12/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/TX
Combes Kenneth Cpl Co D Corregidor 2/24/45 USA/MT
Costanzo Maurice V T/4 Med Corregidor 2/26/45 DOW USA/OH
Corso Geno A Pfc Co B Negros 4/27/45 DOW USA/MI
Coughlin John R Pvt Co A Negros 4/29/45 PH (OLC) ML
Craig James Pvt Hq 1 Corregidor 2/23/45 USA/IN
Crawford Stanley C Pfc Co I Corregidor 2/27/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures SS USA/IA
Crawford William R Jr Pfc Hq 3 Negros 4/26/45 DOW USA/IA
Cucciarre John C Pfc Hq 3 Negros 4/17/45 USA/CA
Currie John N Jr Pvt Co G Negros 4/25/45 ML
Currier Paul J T/Sgt Co G Negros 5/22/45 USA/VT
Dahill Fred E Pvt Co E Negros 5/27/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW ML
Danan Vincent V S/Sgt Hq 1 Corregidor 2/26/45 ML
Daubard James D Pvt RHQ Corregidor 2/16/45 USA/IL
DeLane Thomas T Pfc Co D Corregidor 2/17/45 USA/CA
DeLia Robert S Pvt Co B Panama 4/1/42 (501st) USA/NY
De Lucia Anthony P Pfc Co A Corregidor 2/24/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Denham Joseph E Pfc Co H Noemfoor 8/12/44 ML
Dews Richard W Pfc Hq 1 Corregidor 2/19/45 ML
Dibble Ace H Pfc Co F Negros 4/28/45 ML
Diew Lloyd E Pvt Hq 3 Negros 5/23/45 USA/OK
Difilipo Rocco Pvt Svc Co Corregidor 2/19/45
Dillon Chester D Pfc Co B Corregidor 2/26/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Dodson William E Jr Pfc Co B Negros 5/2/45 USA/CA
Douglas Cecil Pvt Co G Corregidor 2/24/45 USA/OH
Douglas Charles S Pfc Co E Negros 5/4/45 ML
Drew Clyde A Pvt Co D Negros 4/22/45 USA/NH
Driscoll Daniel W T/4 Hq 1 Corregidor 2/26/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW USA/ME
Driscoll William E Sgt Co B Noemfoor 7/16/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW USA/IN
Dugan Frank M Pfc Hq 1 Corregidor 2/27/45 ML
Dundas Ronald E Pvt Co A Noemfoor 8/5/44 ML
Dunn Robert L Pfc Hq 2 Corregidor 2/18/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/TX
Dykes William A Pvt Hq 1 Negros 5/2/45
Early Walter S Pfc Hq 1 Noemfoor 7/6/44  DOW USA/NY
Easley Glenn H Pfc Co I Corregidor 2/19/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/AK
Edwards William L Pfc Co E Corregidor 2/27/45  DOW USA/TN
Elliott George E Pfc Co G Negros 5/13/45 USA/WV
Erickson Raymond H Pfc Co I Negros 4/17/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/WI
Eubanks Ray E Sgt Co D Noemfoor 7/23/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/NC (MOH*)
Evers Richard F Jr Pfc Hq 1 Corregidor 2/22/45 USA/FL
Ferguson Preston Pfc Co B Mindoro 1/4/45 USA/NY
Ferrel Stephen D Pfc Co I Corregidor 2/17/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW USA/WI
Ferrell Trenton T Pfc Co I Negros 4/11/45 ML
Finke Floyd E Sgt Co G Negros 4/9/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Finkle Neal G Pvt Co I Negros 4/17/45 ML
Finsterwald Fred Pvt Co E Noemfoor 7/23/44 USA/NJ
Floyd Benson P S/Sgt Co H Corregidor 2/18/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/AL
Foley Joseph T/5 Co D Corregidor 2/19/45 USA/NY
Falinazzo Frank F Pfc Medic Corregidor 2/26/45  DOW
Foreman Cyril C Sgt Co B Mindoro 1/4/45 USA/LA
Forte Ben J T/Sgt Co F Negros 4/22/45 USA/CA
Fox Charles L Jr Pfc Co C Corregidor 2/22/45 USA/NY
Freeman George D S/Sgt Co C Noemfoor 7/13/44 USA/WI
French George L S/Sgt Co C Corregidor 2/20/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Gastony Elmer O Pvt Hq 3 Negros 4/27/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures SS USA/DC
Geyer Robert G Pfc Co B Noemfoor 8/12/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Given Charles W Cpl Co B Noemfoor 8/12/44  DOW USA/OR
Glass Raymond O S/Sgt Hq 3 Negros 4/17/45  DOW ML
Golie Edward A Pfc Co B Corregidor 2/26/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures ML
Golonka Walter J T/5 Co D Corregidor 2/21/45  DOW ML
Gomoll Kenneth H Pvt Co I Negros 4/8/45 ML
Green Lawrence N Pfc Co C Corregidor 2/26/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures ML
Greene Robert I T/4 Philippines 8/30/45 ML
Griffin Edward G Jr Pvt Hq 2 Negros 4/23/45  DOW ML
Grondorf George W Pvt Co A Negros 4/28/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/CA
Guidice Richard Pfc Hq 2 Corregidor 2/18/45
Gulsvick Edward S/Sgt Co E Corregidor 2/16/45  DSC ML
Gunderman Franklin W Pvt Co G Noemfoor 7/11/44  MIA/BS ML WOM
Guthrie John M S/Sgt Co G Negros 5/22/45 ML
Haas Clyde A Pfc Co E Negros 4/25/45 USA/OK
Hall Karsten L Pfc Co G Negros 6/4/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Hall Roy S Pvt Co G Negros 4/21/45  DOW ML
Halloran James D Pfc Co B Corregidor 2/26/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Hamilton Harry K Pvt Co A Corregidor 2/25/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/OH
Hamilton William L Cpl Co C Noemfoor 7/13/44 ML
Handlon Glenn E Pfc Co F Corregidor 2/16/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Hariu Arthur L Pfc Co A Corregidor 2/19/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Harley John P T/4 Hq 1 Corregidor 2/26/45
Harley Richard H Sgt RHQ Corregidor 2/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW ML
Hays Chester R Pvt Co G Negros 4/21/45
Head Frank E Pfc Co A Corregidor 2/21/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Heaphy Vincent J Pvt Hq 1 Negros 5/23/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/NY
Hearne Elwood H Pfc Co D Negros 4/28/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/NJ
Hefner William C Pvt Co A Corregidor 2/26/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/SC
Hernandez Mike Pvt Co B Corregidor 2/26/45 USA/IL
Herndon Loren J Pfc Co D Noemfoor 7/18/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/WV
Hetman Leo Pfc Co G New Guinea 9/15/43  SS ML
Heyer Robert W T/Sgt Co B Corregidor 2/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW USA/MN
Hicks Harvey D Sgt Co A Corregidor 2/25/45 USA/AL
High Emery M Pfc Co E Corregidor 2/21/45  MIA/BS ML WOM
Holder Kenneth M S/Sgt Co E Negros 4/29/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Holmes John A Sgt Co G Corregidor 2/26/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Holt Avener W Pvt Co I Negros 4/17/45 USA/GA
Holt Robert V Jr S/Sgt Co D Corregidor 2/24/45 USA/GA
Hoyt Charles H S/Sgt Co F Corregidor 2/17/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ML
Hunter Ralph H Pfc Co C Noemfoor 7/13/44 USA/IN
Infanger Gerard J Sgt Co B Noemfoor 7/16/44 USA/NY
Iverson Ralph L Pfc Co F Negros 4/29/45 USA/ID
Jackson Eugene R Pfc Co D Negros 4/28/45 USA/IA
Jackson James A S/Sgt Co F Negros 4/9/45 DOW USA/PA
Jandro Howard J Pvt Co E Corregidor 2/23/45 MIA/BS SS ML WOM
Jennings Charles A Pfc Co A Negros 6/4/45 USA/IN
Johnson Howard E Pvt Hq 2 Negros 4/22/45 ML
Jokela Stanley Pvt Co A Corregidor 2/26/45 USA/MI
Jones Robert W Pvt Hq 1 Corregidor 2/26/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/IN
Jordan James W Pfc Co A Corregidor 2/25/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW ML
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ADDITIONS © 2001, 2008, 2009 BY PAUL F. WHITMAN

R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Ambrose, Stephen E D-DAY June 6,1944: The Climatic Battle of WW II. 6/93, Simon & Shuster ISBN: 0671673343
Badsey , Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, 1989 621 p. ISBN: 0-312-03350-8
Breuer, William B Operation Dragoon: The Allied Invasion of the South of France. Presidio Press, Sept 1987 261 p. ISBN: 0891413073
Brooks, Victor Hell is Upon Us: D-Day in the Pacific-Saipan to Guam, June-August 1944. Da Capo Press, (Sept 2005) 384 p. ISBN: 0306813696
Davis, Donald A Lightning Strike: The Secret Mission to Kill Admiral Yamamoto and Avenge Pearl Harbor. New York: St. Martin Press, (March, 2005) 400 p. ISBN: 0-312-30906-6
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
De Trez, Michel  At the Point of No Return : Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Normandy 7/98, D-Day Pub, 200 p. ISBN: 2960017617
De Trez, Michel  First Airborne Task Force: Pictorial History of the Allied Paratroopers in the Invasion of Southern France 7/98, D-Day Pub, 500 p. ISBN: 2960017625
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Golden, Lewis Echoes From Arnhem Penguin ISBN: 0718305213
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
McKenzie, John  On Time, On Target Novato, CA: Presidio, May 15,2000. 304 p. ISBN: 089 141 714 1
O'Donnell, Patrick K. Beyond Valor  Free Press, 2001, 384 p. ISBN: 0684873842
O'Donnell, Patrick K. Into the Rising Sun: In Their Own Words, World War II's Pacific Veterans Reveal the Heart of Combat  Free Press, 3/13/2002, 320 p. ISBN: 0743214803
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
Wildman, John B All Americans 82nd Airborne. Meadowlands Militaria, 6/83 ISBN:091 208 1007
The Center of Military History The War in the Mediterranean: A WWII Pictorial History Brasseys, Inc., 465 p. ISBN:1574881302
Yardley, Doyle R  Home Was Never Like This. Yardley Enterprises, Aug, 2002, 312 p. ISBN:0971743908

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