Presidential Unit Citation
Battle Honors
As authorized by Executive Order 9396 (sec. I, Bul. 22,WD , 1943),
superseding Executive Order 9075 (sec. III, WD Bul, 11, 1942), citation of the following unit
in General Orders No. 46 Headquarters, First United State Army, 10 August 1944, as approved by the Commanding General,
European Theater of Operations, are confirmed under the provisions of section IV, Circular No. 333, War Department, 1943 in the name of the President of the
United States as public evidence of deserved honor and distinction.
The citation reads as follows:
THE 507th PARACHUTE INFANTRY REGIMENT is cited for outstanding performance of duty in action against the enemy between 6 and 9 June 1944 during the invasion of France.
The regiment landed by
parachute shortly after 0200, 6 June on the Cotentin Peninsula, east and west of the Merderet and north of the Douve River, France. Assembly of regimental groups were rapidly effected in the face of attack from mobile German antiairborne groups and fire from all types of weapons.
Elements of the regiment west of the Merderet River engaged vastly superior forces and accomplished primary objectives. They immobilized strong enemy units in the vicinity of Amfreville for a period of 3 days, and prevented them from crossing the Merderet River to reinforce German forces opposing the beachhead landings on the eastern shore of the Peninsula. Other elements of the 507th PARACHUTE INFANTRY prevented German forces from crossing the bridge over the Merderet River near Chef Du Pont and repelled repeated counterattacks reinforced with tanks, mortars, and artillery of all types. Isolated elements in a half-dozen positions forced the enemy to commit disproportionately superior strength for periods up to 3 days and bore the full brunt of every type of weapon and attack utilized by the foe.
The regiment displayed courage of the highest order in every engagement and against bitter and tenacious opposition. Duties were performed unhesitatingly and with determination and aggressiveness in continuous aand unremitting assault.The courage and devotion to duty shown by members of the 507th PARACHUTE INFANTRY are worthy of emulation and reflect the highest traditions of the
Army of the United States.
[General Orders No. 76, Washington 25, D.C., 22 September 1944.]
G. C. Marshall
Chief of Staff
Major General
The Adjutant General