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507th PIR Regimental Pocket Patch

507th PIR WW II
Medal of Honor Recipients

Pvt Joe Gandara
Pvt George J Peters

Silver Star Recipients
S/Sgt Harold K Alquist
2/Lt William C Aubel
S/Sgt Donald E Bosworth
Pfc Joseph S Brosnan
Major John T Davis
Pfc Jerome G Day
Sgt John H Donahoo
Pfc Joseph R Downing
S/Sgt Alexander B Gaydon
1/Lt Robert W Law Jr
Capt James P Lyke
Capt John W Marr
2/Lt Gerald C Mc Gonigle
2/Lt Kenneth E McManamy
S/Sgt Samuel D Meade
Col George V Millet Jr
Pvt Charles W Penchard
Sgt Richard G Rarick
Pfc Melvin P Schallert
Capt F V Schwartzwalder
Pvt Roy J Spencer
2/Lt John H Sterner
Sgt Carl W Struthers
Lt Col Charles J Timmes
Capt Clarence A Tolle
S/Sgt Mervin F Troutman
Capt John J Verret
1/Lt Roger Whiting

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D-Day Jump Rosters



Securing the Douve Line (CMH)

The Drop Zone: Fractured - Normandy Remembered

D-Day: The Paratroopers Experience

The Decision to Launch Operation Market Garden

The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge

The 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Service Company & Regimental Headquarters - Trooper Pictures

Service Company
Pvt George S Baragona - fought and died at Graignes (Source: Gloria Baragona

Pvt George S Baragona
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 11 June 44

T/4 Leo A Capistrantb(Source: B Jeffries)

T/4 Leo A Capistrant
507th PIR
Service Company

T/5 Earl J Geoffrion

T/5 Earl J Geoffrion
507th PIR
Service Company

Cpl Harold E Graham RHQ/SRV Co jumped Normandy (Courtesy: Jeff Deane)

Cpl Harold E Graham
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 24 Mar 45

S/Sgt John H Fessler

S/Sgt John H Fessler
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 10 June 44

Pfc Robert E Keim

Pfc Robert E Keim
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 24 Mar 45

Pvt Millard C Kennedy

Pvt Millard C Kennedy
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 24 Mar 45

S/Sgt Howard M Kreibel - Silver Star Recipient

S/Sgt Howard M Kreibel
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 24 Mar 45 (SS)

Pvt Leonard Lindenbaum

Pvt Leonard Lindenbaum
507th PIR
Service Company

S/Sgt Joseph G Matjasich - (Courtesy of his nephew Ronald W Matlin)

S/Sgt Joseph G Matjasich
507th PIR Srvc Co
Parachute Rigger

Pvt Edward A Roode - Motor Pool

Pvt Edward A Roode
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 24 March 1945

Cpl Walter H Scott - ( [CLICK on his name to see his decorations] - Courtesy of his nephews Donald and William Scott)

Cpl Walter H Scott
507th PIR
Service Company

S/Sgt Melvin C Skinner

S/Sgt Melvin C Skinner
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 15 June 1944

S/Sgt Walter B Taylor

S/Sgt Walter B Taylor
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 18 June 1944

T/5 Theodore J Zahorsky 
(Source: Eraclito Rapuano

T/5 Theodore J Zahorsky
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 6 June 1944

1/Lt Rufus K Broadaway

1/Lt Rufus K Broadaway
507th PIR
Service Company

1/Lt William J Devlin Jr

1/Lt William J Devlin Jr
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 12 June 44

1/Lt Elmer F Hoffman

1/Lt Elmer F Hoffman
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 12 June 44

1/Lt Guy Jones Jr

1/Lt Guy Jones Jr
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 24 March 1945

1/Lt Frank R Moran

1/Lt Frank R Moran
507th PIR Srvc Co
KIA 15 June 44

Capt Horace J Cofer (Source:B Jeffries)

Capt Horace J Cofer
507th PIR
Service Co/HQ 1

Capt Robert D Rae

Capt Robert D Rae
507th PIR
Service Company (DSC)

Regimental Headquarters (RHQ)
Pvt Stephen A Bliss (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pvt Stephen A Bliss
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Staff Sgt Donald E Bosworth - Silver Star Recipient

S/Sgt Donald E Bosworth
507th PIR RHQ
Silver Star

Pvt Robert W Britton (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pvt Robert W Britton
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 06 June 1944

T/Sgt Robert L Byrnes Bronze Star Recipient (Source: B Jeffries

T/Sgt Robert L Byrnes
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 24 Mar 1945 (BS)

Pvt Walter L Choquette - Graignes - (Source: B Jeffries

Pvt Walter L Choquette
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 11 June 1944

Pfc Frank J Corl - (Source: B Jeffries

Pfc Frank J Corl
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 25 Mar 1945

Pvt Robert S Davis

Pvt Robert S Davis
507th PIR

Pfc William G Gannon

Pfc William G Gannon
507th PIR

Cpl Gordon F Matheson (Source:B Jeffries)

Cpl Gordon F Matheson
507th PIR

Pfc Carol P Meredith

Pfc Carol P Meredith
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 24 Mar 1945 (BS)

PSgt Harry W Murray

Sgt Harry W Murray
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 7 July 1944 (SS)

Cpl Rudolph R Simek

Cpl Rudolph R Simek
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Sgt Hobert Sosnowski

Sgt Hobert Sosnowski
507th PIR

Pvt Gerald T Stoyle Jr  (Source: Erwin Derhaag)

Pvt Gerald T Stoyle Jr
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 28 Mar 1945

Cpl John E Summer

Cpl John E Summer
507th PIR

S/Sgt William L Tippett  (Source:B Jeffries)

S/Sgt William L Tippett
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Pvt Lewis S Toye

Pvt Lewis S Toye
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 9 June 1944

Pvt Gunn Unger (Courtesy: B Jeffriew)

Pvt Gunn Unger
507th PIR

Pvt David H Waters - jumped Normandy (Courtesy: R W Wolfe)

Pvt David H Waters
507th PIR

S/Sgt Guy L Widdowson - Bronze Star Recipient jumped Normandy (Courtesy: Lori Phipps)

S/Sgt Guy L Widdowson
507th PIR RHQ
Bronze Star

Pvt William H Witt

Pvt William H Witt
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 8 Jan 1945

2/Lt Norman T Aarseth - Bronze Star (OLC) Recipient

2/Lt Norman T Aarseth
507th PIR RHQ
Bronze Star (OLC)

1/Lt Albert A Charait  (Source:B Jeffries)

1/Lt Albert A Charait
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 24 Mar 1945

1/Lt James Wentworth Freeman Jr - Bronze Star Recipient (Source:

1/Lt James W Freeman Jr
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 15 June 1944

2/Lt Edward B Zielke

2/Lt Edward B Zielke
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 10 June 1944

Capt George J Roper - Bronze Star Recipient (Source: Brian Siddall - Airborne in Normandy)

Capt George J Roper
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 8 Apr 1945

Capt Robert M Hennon - Chaplain - (Source: B Jeffries)

Capt Robert M Hennon
507th PIR - Chaplain
POW Oflag 64

Capt Paschal D Fowlkes - Chaplain

Capt Paschal D Fowlkes
507th PIR - Chaplain
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Capt John J Keller (Source: Phil Hoyle)

Capt John J Keller
507th PIR RHQ
KIA 16 June 1944

Capt John J Verret - Chaplain - Silver Star Recipient

Capt John J Verret
507th PIR - Chaplain
KIA 8 Jan 1945

Colonel George V Millet Jr - Commanding Officer 507th PIR - POW Normandy

Col George V Millet Jr
507th PIR CO
POW Normandy

Regimental Medical Detachment (RMD)
S/Sgt Harold K Ahlquist  (Source: B Jeffries)

S/Sgt Harold K Ahlquist
507th PIR Medic
KIA 11 Jan 1945 (SS)

Pvt Joseph R Burnett (Source: B Jeffries

Pvt Joseph R Burnett
507th PIR Med
KIA 08 Jan 1945

Pvt Jesus Casas - Graignes (Source: B Jeffries

Pvt Jesus Casas
507th PIR Med
KIA 11 June 1944

T/Sgt Joseph C Kroll

T/Sgt Joseph C Kroll
507th PIR

T/4 Perry Venson McGehee (Source: Gordon Stewart - WWII Airborne Demonstration Team)

T/4 Perry V McGehee
507th PIR

T/3 Jack Miller

T/3 Jack Miller
507th PIR Medic
KODY 9 June 1945

T/5 James W O'Rourke   (Source: B Jeffries)

T/5 James W O'Rourke
507th PIR Medic
MIA 7 June 1944

Pvt Wayne E Rapp

Pvt Wayne E Rapp
507th PIR Medic
KIA 22 June 1944

Pfc Harold J Robb

Pfc Harold J Robb
507th PIR

Pfc Remine E Sizemore

Pfc Remine E Sizemore
507th PIR Medic
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Pfc Joseph A Stachowiak (Graignes)

Pfc Joseph A Stachowiak
507th PIR Medic
KIA 11 June 1944

Pvt Norman A Stewart (Courtesy of his daughter Joyce Pitta)

Pvt Norman A Stewart
507th PIR

Capt Thomas R Bennett Jr - Surgeon

Capt Thomas R Bennett Jr
507th PIR

Capt Estill L Claudhill - 2nd Battalion Surgeon

Capt Estill L Claudhill
507th PIR - 2nd Btn

Capt Abraham Sophian Jr - 3rd Battalion Surgeon - killed in action on 6/11/44 at Graignes (Normandy). Stayed with wounded paratroopers and surrendered but was summarily executed by the German's in retribution for the spirited defense of the town.

Capt Abraham Sophian Jr
507th PIR 3rd Btn
KIA 11 June 1944

Other - (Company Unknown)
Pvt George D Coulter (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt George D Coulter
507th PIR
KIA 25 Dec 1944

Pvt Robert A Deruse (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Robert A Deruse
507th PIR
DOW 29 Jan 1945

Pvt Gilbert W Desroches (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Gilbert W Desroches
507th PIR
DOW 10 Jan 1945

Pvt Harold J Raser

Pvt Harold J Raser
507th PIR
DOW 29 Jan 1945

Sgt Carl W Struthers - Silver Star Recipient

Sgt Carl W Struthers
507th PIR - Silver Star
KIA 12 Jan 1945

R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Ambrose, Stephen E D-DAY June 6,1944: The Climatic Battle of WW II. 6/93, Simon & Shuster ISBN: 0671673343
Badsey , Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Blair, Jr, Clay Ridgeway's Paratroopers: The American Airborne in WW II. New York: Doubleday, 1985 588 p. ISBN: 0385278888
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, 1989 621 p. ISBN: 0-312-03350-8
D'Este, Carlo  Eisenhower: A Soldier's Life 880 pp Owl Books (May, 2003) ISBN: 0805056874
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
D'Este, Carlo & John S.D.Eisenhower  World War II in the Mediterranean, 1942-1945 (Major Battles & Campaigns) 272 pp Algonquin Books (July, 1990) ISBN: 0945575041
De Trez, Michel  American Paratrooper Helmets: Mediterranean & European Theater of Operations  June, 2010, Histoire & Collections, 272 p. ISBN: 2352501415
De Trez, Michel  American Warriors: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers Prior to Normandy  July, 1998, D-Day Pub, 212 p. ISBN: 2960017609
De Trez, Michel  The Way We Were: "Doc" Daniel B. McIlvoy: Regimental Surgeon, 505 Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division (WW II American Paratroopers Portrait Series)  August 20, 2004, D-Day Pub, 167 p. ISBN: 2960017668
De Trez, Michel  Colonel Bob Piper: G Company 505 PIR (WW II American Paratroopers Portrait Series)  March, 2003, D-Day Pub, 48 p. ISBN: 2960017641
De Trez, Michel  Orange is the Color of the Day: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Holland April, 2004, D-Day Pub, 506 p. ISBN: 2960017633
Falerios, Kenton J.  Give Me Something I Can't Do: The History of the 82nd Military Police Company, WW 1 to Iraq Nov 2007, Authorhouse, 192 p ISBN: 1434337197
Francois, Dominique 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment: A Forgotten Regiment Heimdal (Aug 2002), 120 p. ISBN: 2840481642
Gabel, Kurt The Making of a Paratrooper: Airborne Training and Combat in World War II Univ Press of Kansas (Jan 1990), 282 p. ISBN: 070060409X
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Hastings, Max Overlord: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy Simon and Shuster(JUV), 396 p. ISBN: 0671554352
Hicks, Anne The Last Fighting General: The Biography of Robert Tryon Frederick Schiffer Pub Ltd, 320pp, ISBN: 0764324306
Inglesby, Leo C A Corporal Once Xlibris  2/2/2001, 108 p. ISBN: 0738838209
Ingrisano, Michael N. Jr And Nothing is Said: Wartime Letters, August 15, 1943 - April 21, 1945 Sunflower University Press, Sept 2002, 540p. ISBN: 0897452631
Irwin, Will (Lt. Col [RET.]) The Jedburghs: The Secret History of the Allied Special Forces, France 1944 Sept 6, 2005, PublicAffairs Pub, 323 p. ISBN: 1586483072
Keegan, John The Second World War Penguin (P), 708 p. ISBN: 014011341X
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
McKenzie, John  On Time, On Target Novato, CA: Presidio, May 15,2000. 304 p. ISBN: 089 141 714 1
Nordyke , Phil All American All the Way: Combat History of the 82nd Airborne Division in World War II Zenith Press, April 2005. 880 pgs ISBN: 0760322015
O'Donnell, Patrick K. Beyond Valor  Free Press, 2001, 384 p. ISBN: 0684873842
Ruggero, Ed  Combat Jump: The Young Men who Led the Assault into Fortress Europe, July, 1943  HarperCollins, 10/21/2003. 388 p. ISBN: 0060088753
Ruggero, Ed  The First Men In: US Paratroopers and the Fight to Save D-Day  HarperCollins, 6/13/2006. 368 p. ISBN: 0060731281
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
Tomedi, Rudy Ridgeway: A Biography of One of America's Greatest Generals William Morrow & Company, 320 p. ISBN: 068816207X
Wildman, John B All Americans 82nd Airborne. Meadowlands Militaria, 6/83 ISBN:091 208 1007
The Center of Military History The War in the Mediterranean: A WWII Pictorial History Brasseys, Inc., 465 p. ISBN:1574881302

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